Jul 23Liked by Leah Gunn Barrett

That all sounds very plausible. Things are going to get rather messy. I hope we can get Scotland out of the fall out in time!

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Jul 23Liked by Leah Gunn Barrett

It would seem traditional for the liberator of Scots to be made King of Scots. Maybe we should remind Donald of this 'opportunity' of a lifetime, Leah?

A sympathetic Scottish POTUS should be a lot more use to our cause than a deceitfu SNP working for the Brit state.

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So in effect an internal coup. I think Biden got off to a good start after Trump's insurrection in 2020, he seemed Okaayyy, maybe had notions of helping the poor, disenfranchised, students and the millions of 'unhoused' (homeless) people in the mega rich USofA. Certainly we don't know and will never know the whole goings on behind the scenes, but if I was looking from another planet at what's going on, I'd be thinking US politics is more like a monarchy. Same in the UKnotOK as well, a monarchy within a monarchy, which I suppose is really an oligarchy. As for Ukraine, what a mess, Putin is laughing his head off, but he's not very nice either really is he. He gets rid of his opponents in not very nice underhand ways and likes bombs and stuff.

What the heck the future holds I don't know, but it's scary as hell. I feel sorry for the young people of the world, because these older fckrs in such positions of power as surely making the world a very dangerous place to be, and very likely uninhabitable in the not too distant future. I know some mega rich have huge underground bunkers like small functional cities already built, perhaps they have planet B to scoot off to soon as well. I wish they'd all just take off now, save us all the stress and depression of their despicable warring and accumulation of money, that weird construct that dictates everyone's life chances on this planet, and every animal's as well.

Hard to fathom just how much longer off the charts human evil actions can be sustained, without leading to a massive worldwide catastrophe. I don't talk to my sons about it all, people with autism find life dificult enough to navigate as it is, but I do very much fear for their futures and that of all young people. Staremr's not getting my sons fighting and dying in his dodgy pals' wars either. He can shove that where the sun don't don't shine.

Scotland is caught up in England's disastrous governments' decisions like it or not, tarred with the same brush and in great peril as part of the UK/GB/BRITAIN whatever it's called now I don't I get verty confused about where I live now, I think it's still called SCOTLAND.

Thanks for the articles Leah, always an interesting take on things. :-)

Oh and a young riverlarking friend of mine in Scotland, who is from the US told me a bit about K. Harris, she doesn't sound very nice either, Harris I mean! Sigh.

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Jul 23Liked by Leah Gunn Barrett

If we end up in a war situation, Scotland will be a target because of the nuclear weapons placed here by our Comonial Masters south of the Border.

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Jul 23Liked by Leah Gunn Barrett

Excuse the typos, I should be doing a million other tasks right now.

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I want Scotland FREE from the claws of the FOREIGN Colonialist English Government, where we're NOT tied to their IMPOSED decisions/choices/warmongering.

Unfortunately, the decisions made in the USA affect all of us, but we need not 'like or support' any of it.

Currently, Scotland's choices are 'moot' because we have the boot of the FOREIGN Colonialist English Government on the necks of WE Sovereign Scots, who in turn are in thrall with 'all American decisions'!

Decades long, decisions have been made behind the FOREIGN CLOSED DOORS of England and USA.

This can't continue.

Scotland must no longer tolerate being a silenced and impotent onlooker, when decisions about the future of Scotland and her people, are made by various Foreigners, who continue to

asset-strip/plunder/pillage Scotland, from under the noses of we Scots.

Unforgivably, rubber-stamped by a weak, 'supposed' Scottish Party for Independence.

Upon Independence, Scotland must not meekly follow anything, unless WE Sovereign Scots have 'given our blessing' to whatever decisions are required.

I would not choose automatic application for EU Membership, instead would opt for EFTA.

All matters pertaining to Scotland's fiscal control etc, should be in place on 'Independence Day' and thereafter, WE Sovereign Scots taking the necessary decisions which work for the benefit of Scotland and we Scots.

It must be a decision by the people of Scotland whether to remain within the 'EFTA union', or apply for full Membership of the EU.

Not a decision to be taken lightly and NOT one that will be taken by whomever is elected into the position of ScotGov.

Any form of Westminster MKII WILL NOT/MUST NOT be tolerated by the Sovereign People of Scotland.

We Scots are and will remain Sovereign, in our Restored Independent Nation of Scotland.

Decades of Governments/Nations being run by greed-infested money-people/Libertarians has caused death/destruction/mayhem to the lives of ordinary people all over the world.

Nothing will sate these power-hungry and greed-infested people.

It's not a case of Scotland 'wants to'/instead Scotland MUST break the strangling English shackles, so that all decisions for Scotland are taken in Scotland by WE Sovereign Scots.

Be very careful and know the full backgrounds/history of those to whom you intend to give your precious votes.

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