Jun 4Liked by Leah Gunn Barrett

Scotland should reject anything with a GB label straight off. In the run up to the independence referendum 'GB', 'Britain', 'British', were just never used as part of the English governments' narrative, we were all 'one big family' in the UK. There's nothing 'great' about their 'Britain', or their UK. I find the whole current brand of GB quite sinister, it's purpose is to undermine the nation status of Scotland in particular. What's Scotland's is England's, that's what GB means.

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So true, Hetty!

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Jun 4Liked by Leah Gunn Barrett

Nothing should surprise me about the gullibility of the populace especially when I consider the popularity of religion. But it does depress me.

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"Scots will continue to pay some of the highest energy prices"

Indeed we do, Scots are forced to pay the highest energy prices among all the world's energy rich nations, and treated as if we did not have any energy of our own but had to import it!


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