It’s soul destroying to see what the Labour Party has become. Starmer and his cronies are no better, perhaps even worse than the Tories they replaced.

My heart weeps for Scotland and for Palestine.

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Questions, in fact, as the BritNats said in 2014, 'too many unanswered questions'...who IS in control of the 'UK' EngGov? Yikes.

Scotland won't all wake up Leah, too many who do not subscribe to factual news, or blogs and don't do 'social media' as it's too 'toxic', yet they believe BritGBUK propaganda. The rich and powerful rely on the ignorant to survive, and they do exist. I know at least one such person in Scotland, who is Scottish, who is anti independence, voted Labour, but try to tell her about anything going on the world, 'argh that's why I don't watch the news'!! I hardly have the time or energy to inform this person but I'll try. I still think Scotland needs to look at who can vote in Scottish elections, imo only F/T residents, and only if lived in Scotland for three years or more. Thing is Scotland is up against an even bigger monster depending on who controls the 'UK' government/regime. :-/

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