I managed to watch 10 mins of the Biased Bull+hit Corps Question time (for morons) last night which just confirmed how disgustingly despicable Scotland is served by ALL the political parties and the corrupt media

Big Bird Tranadian Slater was mangling her mouth and spitting her lunatic opinions at the audience which fortunately for them was outwith her spitting distance

Nae NECK wee TWEE Forbes was in her ain wee world speaking over everyone and when asked a question responded by launching into a diatribe of oratory nonsense adopted by every politician to AVOID answering what they were asked

Shanks , Starmer's wee pet weasel , a QUISLING exemplifying Liebour in Scotland's brass neck ability to LIE directly to people then when called out on their LIES they become the invisible man / woman /scum

What really infuriates me is not one of the audience from either Debate night or Question time has ever asked the panellists "WHERE IS ENGLAND'S BARNETT FORMULA" or " There is NO political party called Scottish labour there is only british labour in Scotland RULED by London labour

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They’re good little colonial administrators who care more about their pay packets and pensions than about Scotland or her People. Traitors, in a word.

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Compradors in all but name.

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No nuclear subs also includes nuclear power and anything else that's nuclear.

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Absolutely. The nuclear rusting sub hulks are another horrible thing done to Scotland. I’m amazed people are so apathetic.

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Scotland sits upon untold amounts of useful coal still. These days the technology exists to use it in ways that impact the environment to a vastly lesser degree than traditional stations.

Longannet was at the forefront of this technology, so of course it has to go. I don't believe wind is the magic bullet people tout it as. It has it's place obviously but there are extensive hidden environmental costs. All forms of generation have. If we want to have a reliable base load capacity but don't want to go the nuclear road, then there is only one realistic option and that is to make intelligent use of the resources we already possess.

It may be unfashionable but it's the truth.

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The Liberal Party of Australia has made an ad about its Nuclear Plan, and it’s surprisingly honest and informative!



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