Thanks for this, have sent my signature via the link.

It's hard to imagine where the ScotGov can make savings on a reduced budget, (pocket money sent to Scotland after the EngGov have taken their massive cut from Scottish revenues/resouces etc,(mafia style). That is of course the plan of the EngGBUK government, to squeeze Scotland's finances until the pips squeek, to force the Scottish government to make really hard decisions about their social contract style of poliicies. No coloniser allows a country they are taking their resources from is going to allow that countrys' government to succeed in policies allowing for more equality and less poverty. BritNat state is expert at those tactics, they have been deploying underhand means to keep Scotland poor and begging for a long long time, and their agenda is to continue to do that, they simply want rid of the SNP, their ultimate goal.

It's going to be an uphill struggle to say the least, but it's still possible for Scotland to escape the clutches of the BritEngGBUK and forge a more positive, life affirming path for the people of Scotland, there is so much to consider and redesign before and after independence, but it's doable. Fingers and toes crossed!


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So done.

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