I've been following BRICS for around 4 years now, since first hearing about it. It worries me that the US with their mighty dollar don't seem overly concerned, I think they should be, do they have some dastardly plan under wraps? Most major economies are slashing their reserves of dollars, yet the US is silent. why is that?

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This makes me sad that I live in England: like many original Londoners, we’d like to carve ourselves out of rotten England - with it’s idiotic economic model and p9licie.

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Interesting idea, federal UK, or federal England? It's said that the CITY of London is a country, in all but name, independent of RUK.

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The City of London is an odd little entity. It has its own police force (who work very closely with the Met, but still) and many laws that apply to its own little territory.

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Thanks Leah, only just catching up now...I like Michael Hudson, having seen him interviewed a few times lately. I know nowt about economics, but, I do know that inequality is by design and it's criminal, because it's so manufactured by the most greedy, selfish, nasty folks ever to walk this earth. They will do anything to keep and grow their illagained wealth, that's why we are seeing so much evil in the form of 'wars' going on right now. Post the pandemic, these people were emboldened, they saw how controlling the masses by whichever means they could, would make them even richer. Yet their souls (similar to having a conscience) are very weak, massively poor, painfully destitute and desperately unhappy. Hell mend 'em for their gross greed, immorality and inhumanity. Sounds religious I know, I am not reliigious at all, simply human. I have though had out of body experiences at least twice in my life, so do believe we all have a soul of some sort. :-)

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