You should offer her a free tutorial Leah if she creates the money to pay your fare to London:) what I really don’t get is why professional and academic economists are not consistently challenging so called political economists- the commercial economic world seems to collude with this nonsense

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That’s because they’re dependent on the establishment lies to further their careers. Intellectual bankruptcy by another name.

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'This from a Chancellor who doesn’t appear to understand that the government can order the Bank of England - which it owns - to costlessly and effortlessly create as much money as it needs to fund the economy which, after all, is its job.'

She understands all right but she thinks we don't, I agree with William Whyte, real economists for whatever reason, turn a blind eye.

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I sometimes wonder if she actually does understand. It’s like Goebbels said, if you repeat a lie often enough you start to believe it. Plus, she was no Bank of England economist as if that gives her credence, but a low level flunkey.

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Government minister, probably the only job in the UK where you need no qualifications at all, some years ago somebody on a forum I was active on, posted a screenshot of the Canadian gov ministers and their backgrounds, every one of them was an expert in the field they were in charge of.

I've tried to find but was unable, it was 10 or 11 years ago.

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I completely agree, she's failing, but most of us only know the Establishment's propagandistic, economic model, she could print all the money she needs this afternoon, were she to be allowed.

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Reeves takes her orders from the higher ranks in the 'UK government', and outwith their runaway capitalist bubble. Their austerity on the poor is all by design. Low wages means the big businesses are being subsidised by the state. I notice LabCons/Tory Edinburgh council have pacards on lamp posts re a consultation on how they can 'save £30 MILLION'. Well not overpaying council employess to the tune of £millions+++ over many years would be at start, apparently that amount per year has gobe up just in the past year or two since the BritNat England HQ'd Labcons took control of the council via a coalition with their best chums, all in it together!

The 'UK' is doomed, what with England's BREXIT as well just to make things a whole lot 'worse' as Starmer has said, 'worse'.

That OK Scotland? Backwards, not forwards, not even standing still, health inequality on the rise in England, and much more to come. No thanks.

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Scuse the typos..shoddy. :-/

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It's convenient for politicians to repeat Thatcher's lie that governments are like households, that taxes are government's income and spending has to be funded by taxes. It's a pattern that fits with most people's experience, yet it's a useful lie that allows them to say, sorry, there's no money, there's no magic money tree. Reeves is an economically illiterate chancellor. She should be spending to create jobs which generate more tax revenue which offsets the original investment.

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