21 hrs agoLiked by Leah Gunn Barrett

It is amazing how economically illiterate some of the Labour representatives are.

Michael Shanks appears to be a spokesperson for and industry he knows nothing about and appears to think that he can just make meaningless promices which are unrelated to the real world.

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20 hrs agoLiked by Leah Gunn Barrett

Yep and making 'meaningless promises' is his job, these grifters are just that, LabourCons' 'representatives', there to represent England, and their London HQ'd LabCons party.

My elderly Scottish neighbours who voted no in 2014, do at least now agree that Scotland's renewables etc being taken as afreebie by England is a tad wrong. They do though watch BBC England in Scotland, and complain loads about 'ferries'. Sigh.

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22 hrs agoLiked by Leah Gunn Barrett

Yes, Scotland held within the UK 'union' colonial hoax suffers from the highest electricity prices in Europe, four times higher than Norway, and the highest among all the oil rich nations of the world.

Very soon we will see £100 billion worth of renewable energy stolen from Scotland every year. This after the 50 years theft of our oil and gas.

An independent Scotland would easily be able to provide free or close to free electricity to Scots and to Scottish industry, making us one of the most competitive countries in Europe. The UK colonial hoax prevents this, much as it prevented our economic and social development from oil and gas production.


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20 hrs agoLiked by Leah Gunn Barrett

I can hardly bear to look, thanks for watching that BBC GBUK propaganda for us Leah! I feel physically sick when I read about Scotland's resources being taken by the EngGov and their dodgy pals. It's absolutely tragic for Scotland. Not only forcing people in Scotland to pay more, but taking Scotland's resources as gratis, and watsing Scotland's renewables energy to boot. You could hardly make it up could. The SNP need to get their skates on and start informing everyone in Scotland about this massive heist on Scotland, by the country next door, but as we know, the EngGov controls broadcasting, they knew what they were doing in making sure Scotland would be extremely limited in countering EngGovs' lies, propaganda and revealing England's scams. I despair.

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20 hrs agoLiked by Leah Gunn Barrett

Wasting, not watsing, but it's good to make words up sometimes. ;-)

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