Oct 18Liked by Leah Gunn Barrett

Once again Leah you hit the nail right on the head. Any attack on universal services is designed to divide people and reduce services to those who can't afford to pay high bills. This is usually "justified" by claims that many are getting these services who can easily afford to pay, so only the very poor should get them if we are to be "fair". This is utter nonsence. If we want to be fair and ensure that the wealthy pay their full share, then the answer is simple, tax the wealthy and make sure they pay it.

We don't need to stop a person from being taken immediately to hospital to check if he/she can afford the treatment, we treat all who need medical help straight away without delay rich or poor, equal care.

If that means that the rich are getting treatment free, that's fine. The rich can be obliged to pay higher taxes to help provide for the service, no problem.

Universal benefits are the best way to ensure efficient and effective provision of services and equality of provision. The 1945 Attlee Labour Government showed the way in the UK by developing such services. any so-called Labour Government who tries to undermine such services is not worthy of the Labour name.

Andy Anderson

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My take on the independence movement if successful would slide the yoke of the European Union on like a new herringbone jacket.

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Not necessarily, Stephen. I don't support Scotland joining the EU, but EFTA, joining with Switzerland, Iceland, Norway and Lichtenstein. All the benefits and none of the disbenefits of the EU. But it's a decision for the sovereign Scottish People to make post-independence, which is why we don't want career politicians making it for us.

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Who’s decided on the European Union jacket ? EFTA / EEA is a VERY credible way into Europe and we would still be fully independent.

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