May 27Liked by Leah Gunn Barrett

Agree with your reading of the development of this history. Always good to get the perspective of folk who have actual experience of going to Russia. There is so much stupid in the world today and the death of the international art of diplomacy and replacement with brute force and impunity is a seriously dangerous trend which risks everything.

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May 27Liked by Leah Gunn Barrett

Excellent Leah. So true. Very informative- and personal. 👏

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Thanks, Sheila. Your trips to China have informed your views of that nation which just shows how vital making those connections are.

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May 27Liked by Leah Gunn Barrett

Indeed Leah and as a teen I too was enchanted by Russian literature and culture. I think it was probably something about the vastness of the land and the richness and diversity of her story that attracted me. My Dad served on the Arctic Convoys of WW11 as a young conscript. He was one of the few still alive in 2011 when the Westminster government finally allowed Russia to honour these men with the Uskov medal! Russia’s highest naval medal, is awarded only to those who had risked their lives for Russian freedom and is awarded to nationals and non nationals alike. The ‘British’ were the last to receive their awards- all other governments having accepted the Russian’s gracious offer to their men by 1954! So sad for those young men of my father’s generation that Westminster denied them this great honour. The interaction my father and our family had via the Russian consulate in Edinburgh was humbling in its sincerity and generosity. The Russians explained to the men, by then in their 90s, that Russian children are still taught of the sacrifices they made. I’m so glad that my Dad lived long enough to experience that in 2011, because it did a huge amount to help him come to terms with that awful time in his young life which had haunted him and the others since the 1940s.

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What an amazing story, Sheila. I’ve always found the Russian people to be warm, welcoming and curious about westerners. They never held the actions of my government against me.

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May 27Liked by Leah Gunn Barrett

Good to hear your dad finally got that recognition Sheila. There is now the Russian Arctic Convoy Museum at Aultbea. Also, we took a wee stravaig west along the coastline from the memorial site at Cove and came upon the memorial to the US ship William H Welch wrecked at Camus an Aiseig in 1944, remains of lifeboats still on the shore, utterly gut-wrenching. So really Leah, so much destruction caused by a compulsion to willy-wave, the beneficiaries being the arms industries.

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May 27Liked by Leah Gunn Barrett

Excellent piece, Leah. England has regressed to the 1840s. They’re still fighting the Crimean War. We Scots have had no such enmity towards Russia. Another reason to revoke the Union, asap.

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May 27Liked by Leah Gunn Barrett

Thanks Leah

So different from what the media and politicians claim to be the reality. More people need this awareness so to better judge the realities of the world we live in.

Such an understanding as apposed to political dogma is the only way to achieve peace. I recall my visit to the USSR and the reality of all the missiles aimed at families who were just trying to live a decent life.

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Yes, I think we should put the politicians in a room and let them duke, not nuke, it out. Leave the People alone.

The fact that we are force-fed a bunch of lies by the corporate media makes cutting through with the truth really difficult. But we have to try....

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May 27Liked by Leah Gunn Barrett

Once again Leah, you open the eyes of the general population, to what's really going on with the War Mongering English & US Cabals to use Public Money to invest in and Supply Arms to Countries, who should have no need for them!!! At the same time, creating Austerity measures to their own population, and telling them their is no money to invest in the NHS, Public Services & Infrastructure projects!?

Thank you Leah!

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May 27Liked by Leah Gunn Barrett

Words of wisdom, if ever I read them. Thanks, Leah.

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May 27Liked by Leah Gunn Barrett

Absolutely, Leah.

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Can't deny the truth of NATO and Western intrigue laid bare by Leah and of course Colin Fox of the SSP in his publication: War and Peace in Ukraine. We all remember the triumphalism of the Thatcher/Reagan axis as the new Russian Federation dissolved into economic chaos where ex-KGB and the new oligarchs helped themselves to that country's resources. That was the beginning of the ''mafia state'' as that fledgling democracy gradually became a one-party system. But yes the West particularly the U.S. could have assisted a ''transition'' but chose exploit anti-Russian sentiment among the once independent satellite states for their own ends it seems. Regardless of CIA meddling (a global phenomenon) and NATO deceit, the majority of the populations of former European states seem to wish to engage positively with the EU and adopt Western ''values''. They have recent and ''folk'' memories of living under brutal Soviet rule which was only marginally better than Nazi rule for many.

By his own admission the ambition of Mr P. is to restore the greatness of Imperial Russia by whatever means. He will use whatever ''cannon fodder'' and materiel resources he can to throw at Ukraine to cynically win this ''Holy War''. The injustices against ethnic Russians or just Russian speakers, might have origins in Stalin's replacement and ethnic cleansing as he attempted to Russify much of Eastern Europe.

True, there are few ''good guys'' in all of this but to appease Mr P. could be a terrible mistake? He also is in a position where if he backs down there might be retribution from his ''hard liners''. Any settlement will have to be seen as a net gain for Putin and the Kremlin.

At the end of the day, Ukraine will be concerned to preserve its civilians and soldiers and for the West, their materiel support; Mr P. will have no such concerns.

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