Oct 10Liked by Leah Gunn Barrett

Yep what an abolsute disgrace that the EngGBUK LABOUR government actually starves little children, and they deliberately plunge families into poverty, it's utterly criminal. We all know (but many, far too many do not) that the Scottish government has it's hands tied behind it's back while trying to mitigate EngGBUK govs' terrible austerity assault on the poorest and most vulnerable. The EngGov are going to squeeze Scotland's budget (crumbs sent back to Scotland once Eng has taken the massive revenues from resources belonging to Scotland) until the pips squeak. It's like the mafia, here's a few quid, don't give us any trouble, do as you are told, or else!

As for 'reviewing universal credit' they mean to remove people from being eligible, those with less severe disailities and long term sick, (long Covid is one of the reasons many are long term out of work). UC, so called, is a nightmare mostly, it's a jumps and hoops system. People already stuggle and the process creates so much stress it's disgraceful. 'Universal credit' (it's not really 'universal') enables employers to pay a minimum wage, and is essentially a benefit to employers making huge profits on the backs of the underpaid. Zero hours still exist, basically slavery, where a person has to be available at all times or lose their 'job'.

Murray his simply a jobsworth, and is there to keep Scotland down. Robert Burns had something to say about folks like that! Sadly some people believe the lies coming out of his and his masters' gobs in London. I hear that Scotland's population has gone up a lot recently. The SNP has to somehow inform people about what devolution is, and about which powers and exactlly how much control the EngGBUK government retains over Scotland on so many levels, much to the detriment of the people of Scotland, the environment and economy etc.

Too many people are easily fooled, and taken in by the BritNat propaganda used against Scotland so that the English can keep control of Scotland's vast resources.

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Spot on, Hetty.

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Oct 10Liked by Leah Gunn Barrett

Remember UN Rapportuer reported previously? UK gov choose austerity,

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Excellent. Especially his picture!

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As a Scottish woman living in Edinburgh I didn't get my census forms. I received 3 threatening letters telling me I was in breach of the law. I phoned and was spoken to by a young woman with an attitude. My fault apparently. As is. I'm not on the current census. I did mention my sex to the rude woman. Maybe that makes a difference? Auld woman. Mother of 4 children 2 of whom are living. Aye. That's life

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