And John Swinney gave his support to the US allowing Ukraine to use long range missiles! Fucking disgraceful! https://xcancel.com/QuinanLloyd/status/1859230257313628208#m

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I didn't know he had any say over this. If so, he is liability and not even sure his stance on independence truth be told, remind me how he got to be FM?

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I am quite sure of his stance on independence. He got to be FM because he is committed to keeping Scotland in the UK.

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No matter who fires nuclear missiles into Russia sanctioned by the West, Scotlznd is likely to be a target for retaliation yet we get no say in the matter!

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I do wonder...we SNP members didn't get to vote him in as FM..I smell something rotten..Brit state interference.

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The SNP are now part of the British state Hetty, they couldn't make it any more obvious.

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England has taken Scotland into some 80 conflicts since the end of WW2, and a lot more prior to it, and England will continue to do so as long as Scots let them. A colonized people lacking sovereignty remain 'bystanders' in their own land.

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