Jun 6Liked by Leah Gunn Barrett

The difference between the West's "deep" financial institutions and hence governments and China is stark. China, as it appears to me and willing to be corrected invests in power generation, dams, infrastructure projects of road, rail and bridge, to give financial return into the future decades. The West invests in military armaments and conflict to extract their decades long investment return.

One invests in civic structures and development, the other invests in mechanisms to destroy civic structures.

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Jun 6Liked by Leah Gunn Barrett

A powerful piece, anger inducing, but powerful. It is made the more powerful with the inclusion of the links.

Shared, thank you.

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Jun 6Liked by Leah Gunn Barrett

It’s a shame that the SNP is going along with the NATO mindset.

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Jun 6Liked by Leah Gunn Barrett

It is a shame, I don't know, why don't they even ask the awkward questions. I was pleased when Humza condemned Israel's action without hesitation. I understand the geopolitics, the US and NATO, but at least question the real power, the decisions behind NATO.

A move to question the West's involvement in the conflict areas around the globe would be a start. Like the information from the Israeli Foreign Minister Bennet in the link within Leah's post. A question was definitely required, "Mr Johnson, what were your discussions whilst in Ukraine? In what way were they helpful to the peace process and saving lives?"

There are plenty of questions that need asking around NATO

There is no honest, open discussions around these subjects.

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There isn't any honest discussion, and it's difficult to find accurate information given the corporate media compliantly reports what they are told to.

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Why do you say that Voldomyr Zelensky is no longer the legitimate Ukrainian president?

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His term ended on May 20th. He has refused to call new elections, ergo, he's no longer legitimate. https://www.economist.com/europe/2024/05/16/volodymyr-zelenskys-five-year-term-ends-on-may-20th

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